Fundamental Attribution Error

The fundamental attribution error occurs when people tend to overestimate the importance of personality over environmental factors. For instance, if someone is upset then people tend to think that is because he is a person who gets upset, not because he is a person who is in an upsetting situation. Which statement is the best … Read more

STEM Toys for 5-Year-Olds

Although admirable to get kids interested in STEM, it must be said that 5-year-olds lack the ability for proper formal (scientific) thinking at that age. The ability to analyze information like an adult comes around roughly 11-12 years of age. [1] But that does not mean you cannot introduce toys that might later help an … Read more

STEM Toys for 8-Year-Olds

Toys can be useful for developing interest in STEM in 8-year-olds (or 5-year olds). However, it’s important to emphasize that there is little proof that expensive toys help children learn more. Just engaging your child’s imagination about STEM-related ideas is enough. You are enough. Keeping this in mind, in this article, I will outline some … Read more


Innervation is the supply of nerve fibers to and from an organ or to arouse or stimulate (a nerve or an organ) to activity. [1] For instance, Henry Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body, says: ” The sympathetic nervous system (Fig. 838) innervates all the smooth muscles and the various glands of the body, and … Read more

Which principle underlies the effectiveness of systematic desensitization?

The principle is that you cannot be nervous and relaxed simultaneously. Because the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are separate divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Nervous systems that unconsciously regulate opposite functions of the body cannot both be active at the same time. “In the actual desensitization procedure, the patient is made to relax … Read more

How to Change Anki Intervals

To change Anki card intervals you first need to: Choose the deck you want to modify. Then click the gear icon for that deck. Choose Options from the dropdown menu that appears. Scroll down until you find the “Interval modifier.” That’s it. There are no keyboard shortcuts, but it is easier than unsuspending or resetting your Anki deck.