Stability bias

What is a stability bias? Stability bias is the tendency to think and act as though our access to memories is unfailing. Although empirically it has been shown that we are prone to forgetting and could benefit from future learning iterations.[1][2] Study conditions while learning and exterior influences while taking a test often influence our … Read more

What Is Science?

Science is commonly defined as a body of knowledge and the rigorous process of gathering observations about the world. The scientific enterprise distinguishes itself from other sources of knowledge by seeking to prove itself wrong. That is why some aptly describe it as organized skepticism. An Example of Science The most famous example of science is perhaps the story … Read more

Fundamental Attribution Error

The fundamental attribution error occurs when people tend to overestimate the importance of personality over environmental factors. For instance, if someone is upset then people tend to think that is because he is a person who gets upset, not because he is a person who is in an upsetting situation. Which statement is the best … Read more

False Premise

A false premise is an incorrect assumption, axiom, or first principle used to further an argument. A cognitive fallacy. An example of a false premise is: “Berries are natural, therefore, they are healthy,” but this assumption relies on the fact that everything natural is healthy, whereas the poison berry Belladonna is also natural, but is known as … Read more