How to Unsuspend Cards in Anki

You can unsuspend cards in Anki by opening the program, going to the Browse button, then highlighting the cards you want to unsuspend, and right-clicking for the option of Toggle Suspend. The keyboard shortcut for Toggle Suspend is CTRL+J. The process is a lot like resetting your Anki deck. Alternatively as beautifully brought out by … Read more


Neurons are specialized nerve cells. Thought to be the building blocks of our psyche. They come in various forms, which means they can be classified in various ways such as function or structure. If sorted by structure (neuromorphology) then they are classified according to the number of branches that extend from the cell body. Such … Read more

Ionotropic Receptors

Ionotropic receptors (also known as ligand-gated channels) are large proteins thought to be composed of five subunits (other proteins) that assemble in the membrane. As suggested by their name, LGCs contain a neurotransmitter binding site and an intrinsic ion channel that is gated by the transmitter. This type of mechanism is therefore sometimes called ionotropic … Read more


Acetylcholine was first synthesized in 1967, but its biochemical significance was not known at that time. It was the first neurotransmitter identified and thus holds a central place in the history of neuropharmacology. [1] Acetylcholine effect In 1914, Henry Dale noticed that the effect of applying ACh was similar to stimulating parasympathetic nerves – he … Read more

False Premise

A false premise is an incorrect assumption, axiom, or first principle used to further an argument. A cognitive fallacy. An example of a false premise is: “Berries are natural, therefore, they are healthy,” but this assumption relies on the fact that everything natural is healthy, whereas the poison berry Belladonna is also natural, but is known as … Read more

How to Practice Critical Thinking

The importance of critical thinking cannot be understated. Its significance bleeds into every aspect of our lives. In my opinion, joining a debate club is the best way to practice. Because it directs you to engage in these thinking patterns. Furthermore, the debating format forces you to think about your assumptions and fallacies and makes … Read more

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